Thought I'd do a small update for you lovelies, first thing is I've decided to change my blog name, felt like the old name wasn't really a name I felt was right for the blog and it was a temporary name until I found one that was right for the blog, which I have done, the new blog name is Moda Rebelde which in translation is Rebellious Style, hope you like the name as much as I do.
Second thing is, if you follow me on Instagram/Twitter or a blog post I done a while back, you'll know I moved house, and I'm still waiting for the internet to get installed, once it has been installed I will be back to regal blogging, I'm currently using my brothers mobile Internet, that's too slow for me to do a proper post for you lovelies, but hopefully by next week I will be back to regal posting but I will keep you updated on Twitter.
That's all the update I have for you lovelies, hope you enjoy the new blog as much as I will. Thanks for reading.