Being at home can get pretty boring if you have nothing to do, I've been at home quite a lot since moving mainly because I have no job yet, so I thought I would share some of the things I do to get by while I'm at home.
1. Tiding the Flat, if I was leaving at home with my parents I would be lazy and hardly do anything but since living in my own place I like to clean and tidy things, I tend to do the washing, cleaning and tidying the place up when I've run out of things to do or when I'm just at home with no plans.
2. Catching up with series is something I tend to do but then I hate at the same time since I watch everything when it comes out then the seasons ends and I'm left without anything to watch, I tend to watch my soaps too like Hollyoacks and occasionally Eastenders.
3. I tend to go online to find inspirations for the blog or there can be days where I want to try something to with makeup and Ill go online for tutorials.
4. When I get inspired I will write and schedule posts to save me time for when I have things going on that won't alloy me to posts on a pacific day.
5. I like cooking, I tend to see people making something or going online to get some recipes and try something new, I've cooked quite a lot since leaving home and I feel like I keep learning new things every time I do.
What do you do when you're home to keep you busy?
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