Friday, 6 June 2014

Fathers Day gift idea of Pinterest

As Father's Day is next weekend, I thought I'd do a couple of ideas that I've found on Pinterest. I'm the worst at buying my dad a present, I never know what to get him and when I do its always when I'm broke, I think the one time I got dad a good gift was last Father's Day when I got him tickets to have a tour of the stadium of Manchester United. But I thought I'd give you lovelies a help as to what you can get your Dads.

Image sources (link)
1. If your a crafty one you could do something like the picture above, its a cute simple present that has meaning behind it.

Image source (link)
2. If your dads got a sweet tooth then this would be a perfect gift idea you can do for your dad. Find a jar big enough to fit all your dads favourite snacks, I guaranty they will love this gift.

Image source (link)
3. This is such a nice meaningful craft idea you can do with your kids for their dads. 

4. You can write you dad a nice latter, telling them how much you love them, and how much they mean to you, they will appreciate this gift because its coming from the heart.

5. If your dad is a massive sports fan, get them tickets to see their favourite sports for the day. 

Hopefully this has helped you to give an idea of what you can get your dad, after being on Pinterest  I have some plans of what to get dad for Father's Day, one of the things is the Gift Basket with his favourite snacks as my dad has a massive sweet tooth.

Thanks for reading x

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