Friday, 20 June 2014

My top 5 tips to Healthy Hair

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I was the worst to taking care of my hair, never used heat protection when I’d blow dry or straighten my hair and I pretty much always dyed my hair so you can imagine how bad my hair used to be.

 I used to have long hair down to my rips but due to so much dying, bleaching and straightening I had to make the decision of going short to get rid of so much damaged hair. Since I got my hair cut and got it dip dyed at the hairdressers I knew I had to take care of my hair if I ever wanted to grow it out again, that’s when I decided to cut down on a lot of things that made my hair so damaged. So here’s 5 tips that made my hair healthy.

Tip 1:
Cutting down on Heat, I used to straighten my hair everyday for school, college and university but now I pretty much straighten my hair once or twice a week, mainly when I was going out with some where other than that it’d be natural.

Tip 2:
Brushing your hair before showering. I never used to do this, I would always just go straight into the shower and put a lot of conditioner and my hair would fall out but since brushing my hair before it doesn’t fall out as much.

Tip 3:
Using heat protection. This will help with the split ends and also help stop you getting damaged hair, This has improved how my hair looks now, it has stopped my hair getting so damaged.

Tip 4:
Try not tie hair as much. By tying your hair up will pull at your hair, making your hair break and fall. I way I put my hair up is i get two bobby pins and attach them onto the hairband on each side, I then place on of the pins onto my hair and wrap the hairband around the pony tail and pin the second bobby pin into the hair, (I am terrible at explaining this so heres a youtube video to show you link). 

Tip 5:
Getting your ends trimmed, as much as you don't want to get a your ends trimmed the more damage it'll be and it will show, just getting an inch off will help get rid of split ends and help your hair grow much faster, even if you do it yourself or get someone to do if for you, a small about will help.

I wanted to share what worked for me, you all will know those tips I'm sure. Let me know what other tips you have, Would love to know and try some.

Thanks for reading x


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