Monday, 9 February 2015

First home purchase

If you follow me on Instagram you'd know I recently got the keys to a flat in London, I've made the decision on moving to London last summer, since moving to Essex and having to go through London to go home to Oxford I started falling in love with the City, and I've been excited ever since to finally move and now the time has come to just that.

I'm excited to actually move out of my parents, I will be moving in with a roommate so its not going to as scary as moving out on my own, I will talk more about the moving process once I've settled in. 

Just over a month ago I saw this 2 cute glass jars from B&M bargains I think, I'm afraid it was that long that I don't remember, I know there was 3 different colour jars, there was a pastel purple, grey and green, I didn't like the purple tone one so I purchases this two beauty's.

I remember seeing Jack Daniels bottle with flowers, from that moment I wanted to recreate it, (link to image) sadly I didn't keep the bottles of JD from university, so in the mean while before I can recreate  it I've had to find other jars to recreate it. I will create the JD one but that'll take time.

Watch out for Instagram pictures from this beauty in the new place. Thanks for the read. 


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