Wednesday, 25 February 2015

What's Next for me?...

I've mentioned before that I was planning on doing a short course but I didn't really say much about it until I was sure about the course and until I got accepted, one of the reasons for moving to London has been because I wanted to do a short term course just to build my skills before starting my own business, the course I went for is Bespoke Tailoring Pre-Apprentice course, the reason for me choosing this course is to build my learning on how to sew better I know the basic but I was never that great, I've made stuff but I want to make something that will be a perfect quality and I feel like this course will make it happen, the course is from February 25th (Today, I'm writing this yesterday) till 10th of July I think, its 2.5 days a week meaning I can still find a job and study, and as its a college course I will be getting the typical half terms off.

I didn't want to do a full-time course or go back into university as I knew its not something I actually want to do, thats why I picked this course, the reason also behind it is a friend of mine did this course last year and she showed me what she was doing on it and I wanted to actually do this course, she showed me a month worth of work and sewing skills she build from that one month and I knew I had to try it out since I've been looking for something similar for a while.

I will keep doing an update on what I've learned each week and how I've progressed since starting out on this course.


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