Monday 20 April 2015

What I've learned about blogging

Image is my own
I've been blogging for 2 years now which is crazy to think that, so I thought in todays post I would talk about the things I've learnt from blogging and what I'm still learning to this day. This are all my opinions and ideas that have worked for me and that may help others who are in a similar situation.

Noting Down Ideas - Have you ever thought of ideas that randomly pop up in your head about a new post you can do but always forget what it is when you come to writing a post and dislike yourself because you forget, something I've learned is by writing it down on my phone, laptop, piece of paper or a notebook helps to keep organised and you won't forget ideas. 

Scheduling - Something I still have trouble doing is scheduling, I tend to do posts on the day I arrange to have them posted, what I've learned and I have done in the past is on Sundays or days when I'm off and have no plans on posting a post is where I write up as many posts as I can and have them ready to schedule for the week, this has helped me a lot specially when I was away on holiday it helped to have a post up since I scheduled it.

For example I started this post on Friday morning and Just finished yesterday evening (Sunday) so it'll be ready and uploaded for today.

Taking a Step Back - I've had many moments where I felt like giving up on blogging for while since I didn't feel passionate about it like I did at the beginning and wasn't getting any inspiration on blogging anything that it made it difficult keeping a blog at times, what I've learned to do in situations like this is taking a step back when I feel like theres not point to blogging I'll go off Blogger for a few days or until I feel like its right time to get back into blogging and once I've found inspiration and motivated thats when I'll start again.

Social Media - If you want to get your blog out there and notice then social media is a big deal, join twitter share you blog and hashtags it'll help to get notice that much easier, this has helped getting my blog out there.

Previewing Posts - I'm one to put my hands up and say that most of the time when I blog I don't really check what I've written and ended up post it any way, but when I have more time and plan posts I tend to check everything twice to make sure it all sounds good and spelling mistakes.

This is the things I tend to do on this blog and have worked for me, if your a blogger yourself what have you learned about it?

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Thursday 9 April 2015

Hairstyle Inspiration

Now that its finally starting to be Spring and the sun is finally out and hopefully its here to stay, since getting my haircut I've been looking for hairstyles inspiration that I could start trying myself. 

Now that I've got short hair all I want to start wearing it to wear it with braids and messy waves, I think it'll be rare for me to have it straight again. I will be posting different hairstyles on short hairs for spring and summer.

What is your favourite hairstyle or your go to style?


Wednesday 8 April 2015

Bold Metals

I'm a big fan of Real Techniques brushes I have quite a few of their brushes, when I heard they had come out with a new collection I couldn't wait to get my hands on them. Ive recently purchased their 202 Angled Liner brush from my loco Boots.

I've been using this for eyeliner, and Ive got to say I found my favourite brush, I like how it soft and easy to apply eyeliner with this brush, it gives it a smooth shape. I can't wait to purchase more of the RT Bold Metal Collection. 

What is your favourite Real Technique Brushes?


Tuesday 7 April 2015

Loving on Tumblr

I've been getting excited and inspired for Spring and Summer, last summer I spent it working and moving from places that I didn't really get to enjoy the Summer and do everything I've been planning to do. 

I can get lost on Tumblr reblogging everything I like and wish I could be doing or when I'm looking for inspiration its the place I tend to go to. 

If your a Tumblr addict like myself go check it out.


Monday 6 April 2015

Lush Treat

A couple weeks ago, myself and my boyfriend decided to pop into Westfield for a little wonder and unplanned meal at Nandos, We popped into the Lush store which has become my favourite place to go to and won't lie and admit that I want to buy everything thing in that store specially the bath bombs that have become my favourite things. 

My boyfriend treated to some lush bath bombs, he did help choice which ones all thought he wasn't a fan of the Golden Egg might of been to girlish for him, my bag smelt like candy and fruit with all this 3 lush bombs inside it, I got Space Girl, Golden Egg and Fluffy Egg both eggs where an easter products, So far I've used the Space girl its got a sweet scent and leaves the skin feeling soft think I might have to popped down and get another one.

What is your favourite Lush Product that you love and would recommend? 

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